Stereotypes? I’d never do that!
admin | Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 | No Comments »Amazing how when you move abroad suddenly all these people have opinions about what defines you, your traits and characteristics.
In fact it can be down right insulting, hurtful and damaging.
The key here is not to fall into the trap.
Do you find yourself saying “oh well back home we do it like this….”
“we don’t do it that way”, ” that’s not the right way”, “Only people from …. do that”
Maybe you don’t say it aloud, you just think it quietly….
Perhaps you find yourself cussing, saying lots of nasty words and throwing a nationality at the end of the remarks???
We all do it. We may not mean to. Sometimes it comes out as a way of acknowledging differences, almost a process a new expat goes through in realizing the differences between themselves and the host culture.
The key here, remember if you don’t like it done to you, others will feel the same.
How can you learn from this habit to identify, judge and categorize others?
First don’t feel bad, people from all cultures, countries and walks of life stereotype.
We make generalizations and sometimes it helps us in dealing with others in business matters.
However sometimes those assumptions made on stereotypes are wrong and inappropriate.
My suggestion, work to see each individual as just that, an individual with a unique way of expressing themselves and experiencing life.
It is important to learn about other cultures. Instead of getting it second hand, try asking someone from that culture how they themselves see their culture.
Learn from the source vs. make assumptions based on generalizations.
Coaching action step:
Share here what assumptions you’ve made and how you have been stereotyped in the past