Archive for July, 2009

Are you Accepting Less Than You Hoped For?

| Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 | No Comments »

Some people call it “settling for less”, others say “giving up, giving in”.

Either way it can cause long term stress that eats away at your self esteem and happiness.

Living abroad can put us in situations where our choices don’t feel like options we want to pick. The result is we are left feeling trapped and upset.

Sadly, we usually have other options we are not seeing because our own inner voice and cultural conditioning often put up walls blinding us to our big picture options and the truth.

The worst scenario is the one whereby we really do have only a few options and none of them are what we would pick for ourselves “back home”.

This is where it is so important to give yourself the chance to explore your values, determine your limitations and see what type of compromise you are willing to make.

If you can turn your situation around and view it as making a compromise, putting yourself back in the power seat, it can do a lot for relieving the mental stress you are feeling.

The key here is that I am not suggesting you just change the wording. I am suggesting that you actually pick the option that is best for you even though you don’t like it and find a way to actually turn it into a compromise.

Perhaps it means giving yourself permission to return home sooner than you planned because you are miserable and your health comes first. So, “I hate this location and I have 16 months to go in this contract”… becomes “If I work for another 6 months here, the money I make will be enough to purchase that house back home, I will choose to work here for that time and then make arrangements to move back early and find a job better suited to my goals and interests”.

Ok, is a gremlin yelling at you right now….quit the job…. is Julia nuts? Maybe. You tell me.

Which is nuttier, to stay in a situation that is causing you sadness, anger, frustration, eating away at your health at the cellular level causing long term damage, negatively affecting your relationships, possibly your partner or kids, OR seizing the opportunity, taking control of your destiny and reshaping how you choose to go forward.

Never forget. NEVER forget this is YOUR life.

Who are you putting in charge of it? Yourself using your values and beliefs to guide you OR Society, your boss, your spouse, a bad situation.

If you answer yes to the title question of this post, ask yourself the next question: How many more days are you going to tolerate choosing to remain in this situation?

How many more days will you throw away?

Ready to change?

First step. What are you tolerating?
Second step. What would the situation look like without the toleration?
Third step. What do you need to do right now to change this?

If the fourth step for you is getting help with this – I am here for you. Let’s get it done!

Unexpected Opportunities of Living Abroad

| Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 | No Comments »

Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.
– Thomas Edison

The Expat lifestyle can often be chaotic and overwhelming. I have worked with many individuals who felt they spent a good portion of their time abroad simply getting by.

Sadly, this meant when opportunity presented itself they often saw it as an additional burden to their already tough schedule or lifestyle.

What are some common opportunties that are missed?

* Making friends with people from different cultures
* Learning a new language versus only immersing oneself in the expat community
* shifting ones work habits from overworked to balanced and healthy
* Exploring interests and hobbies in a new setting or environment
* Starting that business you always dreamed about versus complaining about your unhappy situation or inability to find a job
* Keeping a closed mind about the new culture

Living abroad can certainly make daily chores more complicated that they would have been in our home or passport countries. It may seem like you have less time than you did just to get through the needs of the day.

However, allowing yourself to experience the struggle, go out on a limb and try new things and approach the day with excitment about the unexpected provides untold opportunities that may change your life forever by enriching it in ways you never imagined.

What opportunities do you think you may have already missed? Do you want to go after them now?

How can you change the way you approach what appears like work and make it fun?

The good news is that you can adjust your approach today and start out each day as an explorer.

Opportunity may be knocking. Let’s answer the door!

Combining my work blogs to this new site

| Wednesday, July 15th, 2009 | No Comments »

Just a heads up that I am combining my 3 work blogs under the umbrella of this main business site. I will be moving most of the old posts here and updating with the tag system. Thanks in advance for your patience if some of the posts are “old news” for you.

much success,



| Saturday, July 11th, 2009 | No Comments »
Is this your idea of success?

Is this your idea of success?

Success is different for everyone.

When I lived in the Netherlands, I found that the Dutch say, “Success” where in the US we typically say, “Good Luck”.

Good Luck is certainly nice, well wishing. But success! Well that feels good doesn’t it? Nothing left to chance or luck here.

And that is the approach I take with my clients across the globe. We can sit back and wait for “luck” to find us, help us make new friends, teach us the local language, remove the isolation or loneliness, drop a job in our lap, learn to understand our collegues from all sorts of cultures OR we can define what success in this situation would be for us and then take action to achieve it.

It sounds simple and in many instances it is. My success comes in when I am able to assist you in clarifying your needs, taking the necessary action, receiving unbiased support and providing my resources and connections to ensure you reach you goals

The whole coaching experience has made me realize what my potential is and far beyond. With the Expat coaching, my achievements were even more special to me because I was outside of my natural element; a different language, different culture and a different system. Grace Davis, Canadian Expat

It also comes back to me when I have a previous client send me an update from their part of the world. An art gallery opening featuring their work, an article they wrote published in a magazine, their latest assignment in a new country being a lot of fun!

So I tend to use Success all the time now.

Whatever the outcome, may it be successful.